Note from the “Editors”

This is a new adventure for us and we have been on a steep learning curve. We have had fun so far, and hope that this will be a successful newsletter. What we need is a lot more participation from you, the reader so that this newsletter can be exactly what you want to read. We would particularly like to include articles written by homeschoolers or home schooling parents here in the Western Cape. Please sharpen you pencils, pick up your pens or start tapping away and send your e-mails to us ...Oh yes..."Us" We had better introduce ourselves to you.
My name is Megan Marais, and I am 15 years old and live in the beautiful city of Cape Town. I started homeschooling when I was in grade six, and this is my fifth year. I have enjoyed my homeschooling years very much, and I have learned some amazing things.

My name is Sandi Swanepoel. I’m 16 and I live faaaar away from Cape Town on a nature reserve called De Hoop. Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, Megan and I were able to put this newspaper together even though we live 300 kilometers apart! I’ve been homeschooled for 5 years along with my brother and sister. Being homeschooled has been a wonderful experience is so many ways, also enabling us to experience the interesting places we’ve lived in to their full extent.

Please send any comments on this newsletter, and any articles, essays, poems etc. to these addresses.
PO Box 175
Or email: